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Reading Glasses on Book

Lita's Library

Here is where you'll find a collection of my growing literary works. So far,  I have  three psychoeducational therapy journals to support women on their trauma healing journey in Renew and Rise, and working to better manage anxiety in Bye Anxiety and Introvert's Journal.  I have written a book of poetry, Purpose in the Struggle, which is a collection of poems that allowed me to express and helped me make sense of some of my experiences.  I've also penned a whimsical short story about a therapist-in-training's journey to learn more about her profession in the e-book entitled A Narrative Exploration of Psychotherapy Approaches.

The body of work I'm most proud of, however, is Eve's Exodus. Eve's Exodus (which is available in digital and print) is a personal memoir that explores the historical, spiritual and interpersonal environments that shaped my perception of myself, and the subsequent journey of self discovery.  

Check back here every so often, because there is definitely more to come!

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